Howard’s Team Celebrates their 10th Bike MS Tour

A group of people standing next to each other

Howard's Team celebrated their 10th Bike MS Tour in October 2017 at the Bike MS Bay to Bay Tour from Irvine to San Diego.  Since their first Bike MS Tour in 2008, the team has raised over $1 million to help create a world free of MS.

Below are the pictures, video, and Bob & Jay’s Top 30 Highlight List from the weekend.  What an experience!

Pictures from the 2017 Bike MS Tour
Friday –
Saturday –
Sunday –

Highlight Video from the 2017 Bike MS Tour

Bob & Jay’s Top 30 Highlight List (or 3 x HT 10 List):

  1. Friday Night Welcome Reception at the Hotel – Bob is looking at the time expecting Howard and Cassandra 15 minutes earlier. Bob looks up to see the MS Champs, spouses, and other Howard’s Team members have ‘swarmed’ the Grays before they could make it into the bar. An aura of mutual love and well wishes surrounded them.
  2. The Friday Night Dinner organized by the Holdens and Ponders, and having the Holdens say this is not a team, it’s a family, setting the tone for the entire weekend.
  3. Leah closing on a donation from a Good Samaritan at the Friday Night Dinner who is also a pastor and offered a Sunday collection to Howard’s Team!
  4. Handing out the Howard’s Team 10 Year Coins and saying “Thank You” to every team member who has contributed during this 10 year journey.
  5. Welcoming our tremendous Rookie class of 2017 to Howard’s Team.
  6. Saturday afternoon hanging around the tables with the Grays, Kingsburys and Howard’s Team members, family and friends.
  7. Kal Kingsbury Magers standing on one foot on the wall outside the awards banquet window with nothing but a cliff on the other side. He’s all boy! (Bob laughs and gives a thumbs up. Theresa, his mother, has a horrified look on her face.)
  8. Wearing our kilts for the Saturday night team dinner and having other members ask how they can purchase a kilt (i.e. Roy!)…this is a tradition that will endure.
  9. Suzy Kids meaningful presence with so many rookies and spending time with Mike Chiodo, David Chiodo, and Beckham during the weekend.
  10. Having McCabe / Sumpf extended family members in the house. (Good timing with Bob Sumpf’s 70th birthday)
  11. Having the Harton Family riding together again with Julian combined with Lucinda and Frank winning the Compassionate Scotts Jersey.
  12. Jake Barrena winning the Crazy Scotts Jersey because of his 1,000 Steps MS Fundraising Event, and countless other CRAZY fitness feats, too long to list here.
  13. The look on Sharon Shahnazarian’s face while walking up to accept the Rookie of the Year Award (White Jersey).
  14. Alexi’s words while awarding the MS Champions jersey to Howard, and his IT assist during our technical difficulties.
  15. Jim Ponder giving credit to Jeff and others in his fundraising efforts while accepting the Top Fundraiser Jersey (Green Jersey), a consummate gentleman and compelling leader.
  16. Bike MS: Bluegrass, Bourbon and Beer ride commemorative bourbon bottle toast. Misty yells ‘to love.’ Howard’s Team members vying to finish the bottle in the back of the room.
  17. Jay the auctioneer turning into Forrest Gump, “I don’t know how to run an auction, but I know math, SOLD!”
  18. Memorable moments videos, slideshow recap and the entire presentation in general.
  19. Kunklers on the ride, at the finish, ‘in da house’ at the awards banquet, and winning the Most Courageous Jersey (Polka Dot) for expanding our team to Bike MS Oregon.
  20. Dennis Simpson encouraging and protecting Keturah throughout Saturday’s ride from traffic and bike situations new to her.
  21. Cassandra Gray remarking, “This is your ministry,” and giving her the Game Changer Award.
  22. Keturah Gray flying from NYC to ride and support HT members, another Game Changer.
  23. Rob – Winning the Howard Gray Most Inspirational Jersey (Rainbow Jersey), stoked and deserving
  24. The awarding of the special award from MS Society for Howard’s Team surpassing $1M in life changing support toward an end to MS with the heart of Howard’s Team present.
  25. Howard and Cassandra chats… Love, family, friends, vows, faith and hope.
  26. Post awards dinner picture with Howard, Cassandra and Keturah Gray in yellow jerseys with the Wolffs.
  27. The Yellow Jersey Auction with participation from so many, and then ultimately $10K raised by Mark Nielsen and Mike & Monique Wolff who then awarded the jerseys to Howard and Keturah.
  28. Tim Salmon winning the Most Inspirational Rider award and his inspirational acceptance words.
  29. Team Finish – Gives me goose bumps every time to see all the team colors, the solidarity, and commitment of the ‘team’ represented in finishing together.
  30. Riding for all of our Howard's Team MS Champions and everyone impacted by MS.