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In 2005, Jay McCabe’s sister, Susan, invited him to join her at the Bike MS: Bay to Bay. Jay had a great time at the event and raised a little over $1,000 for the MS Society. Susan and Jay participated in the Bike MS for the next two years increasing their fundraising efforts.
Each year, Jay’s close friend, Bob Moore, would make a donation to Jay with the notation “in the name of Howard Gray.” Jay asked Bob about Howard and learned more about Bob’s friend with MS. With three years experience at the Bike MS: Bay to Bay, Jay felt they could do more, so he asked Bob if Howard would lend his name to the effort.
In 2008, Jay and Bob formed Howard’s Team to support Howard Gray and all those who bravely fight MS. As an initial source of inspiration, Jay asked Bob for a quote from Howard. Without hesitation, Bob said, “deliver everything they bargained for and a little bit more.” This became the team’s motto. With this in mind, the team established an original goal to raise $100,000 over five years.
In the first year, with just over a dozen members, the team raised $19,372. In 2009, the team grew to 29 members and raised $28,360. In 2010, sharing the MS Society’s vision to create “a world free of MS,” the team grew to 55 members and raised $64,738. As a result, the team earned the Bike MS: Bay to Bay’s Top Team Award for the 51-99 member team division. In just three years, Howard’s Team exceeded their five year goal to raise $100,000 and is now one of the largest teams in the Bike MS: Bay to Bay.
Howard’s Team is stronger than ever. Building on this momentum, its members will continue to ride, walk and fundraise until its vision is achieved…a world free of MS.
When his father passed away in 1972, Howard, at the age of 22, took the reigns as president of Gray Construction. Howard’s commitment to fairness, the Golden Rule, safety and customer satisfaction are legendary in the industry. Over the next 30-plus years, Howard led the company to become a nationally recognized construction firm.
Howard faced his share of challenges during this period. In 1986, at age 36, Howard was diagnosed with MS. At this time little was known about MS, which made it particularly scary. However, Howard faced this challenge as he had all others, head on, and with great optimism.
Today Howard continues to bravely fight MS. His inspiring journey, along with his sense of humor, enthusiasm, and passion for life, make Howard a source of inspiration for all the members of Howard’s Team.
It is a tradition for Howard’s Team to recognize the outstanding achievements of our team members at our Awards Dinner the Saturday night of the Bike MS: Bay to Bay. Staying true to our team’s cycling heritage, the awards are based on the lead rider jerseys in the Tour de France (with some minor modifications). Aside from The Yellow Jersey (awarded at auction) and the Top Fundraiser Jersey (based on money raised), an awards committee of 3 to 5 team members evaluates the nominees to determine the winners. All team members may submit nominations. The team’s co-captains do not participate on the awards committee and are not eligible for the awards.
The Yellow Jersey: If you plan to wear the yellow jersey, prepare to place a big bid to help create a world free of MS. Sold at auction at the team’s Awards Dinner, the winner has the honor of leading the team across the Bike MS: Bay to Bay finish line on Sunday.
Origin: The maillot jaune, the yellow jersey, is the signature of the Tour de France and worn by the overall race leader.
Previous Winners!
2023 Tim Malott and Alexi Varanko
2022 Lucinda Harton and Karen Matingou
2021 Kristyn Evans and Leah Salmon
2019 Pam & Roy Holden
2018 Soraya Parvin
2017 Cassandra & Keturah Gray
2016 Alexi Varanko
2015 Rob Evans
2014 Bob Moore
2013 Diane Smith
2012 Jay McCabe
2011 Tim Salmon
Howard Gray Most Inspirational Rider: Awarded to a Howard’s Team member who best exemplifies the qualities of our team’s ambassador, Howard Gray. Specifically, they have bravely faced challenges posed by MS and have become a source of inspiration to others.
Origin: The rainbow jersey is worn by the reigning world champion in a bicycle racing discipline.
Previous Winners!
2023 Brenda Esposito
2022 Karen Matingou
2018 Dawn Beattie
2017 Rob Evans
2016 Suzy Chiodo
2015 Alexi Varanko
2014 Breea Renee
2013 Leah & Tim Salmon
2012 Diane Smith
2011 Sunni Emory
* Not awarded in 2019, 2020 or 2021.
Most Courageous Rider: This is the Howard’s Team MVP trophy, awarded to a Howard’s Team member who has made a significant contribution towards achieving the team’s mission.
Origin: The King of the Mountains jersey is worn by the best climber based on points awarded by reaching the top of designated hills and mountains during a stage.
Previous Winners!
2023 Tim Salmon
2022 Matt Attl
2021 Lucinda Harton
2019 Devin Callahan
2018 Mike Wolff
2017 Stephanie & Andy Kunkler
2016 Doug Loreman
2015 Greg Elias & Peter O’Sullivan
2014 Jim Ponder
2013 Jim Heaton
2012 Mark Neilson
Top Fundraiser: Awarded to a Howard’s Team member who has raised the most money as posted on Bike MS: Bay to Bay website the Saturday night of the Awards Dinner.
Origin: The green jersey is worn by the best sprinter based on points awarded at the finish line and intermediate mini-sprints during a stage.
Previous Winners!
2023 Jim Ponder
2022 Jim Ponder
2021 Jim Ponder
2019 Jim Ponder
2018 Jim Ponder
2017 Jim Ponder
2016 Jim Ponder
2015 Jim Ponder
2014 Glenn Arnold
2013 Glenn Arnold
2012 Glenn Arnold
2011 Joe Sofio
2012 Joe Sofio
2009 Mark Neilson
2008 Jim Shepp
Rookie of the Year: Awarded to a first year Howard’s Team member who goes “all in” serving as a fundraising, recruiting, or volunteering role model for others, or simply demonstrates outstanding team spirit.
Origin: The white jersey is worn by the fastest overall rider under the age of 25.
Previous Winners!
2023 Joaquin Zavala
2022 Scott Cooper
2021 Amelia and Sophie Callahan
2019 Addie Callahan
2018 Chris Vuckovich
2017 Sharon Shahnazarian
2016 Jacob Barrena
2015 Kristyn Evans
2014 Laurel Coote
2013 Jess Doyle & Lucinda Harton
2012 Pam & Roy Holden
2011 Sabrina Casillas
2010 Catherine Gallagher
2009 Scott Palka
2008 Jim Shepp
The Scotts Jersey: You don’t need to be named Scott to wear The Scotts Jersey. Each year two Howard’s Team members will be recognized because they embody the qualities of the Scotts: Compassionate and Crazy.
Origin: Created in honor of long-time Howard’s Team members Scott Campbell & Scott Palka.
Previous Winners!
2023 Molly Whalen
2022 Lori Tauber
2021 Ted Brown
2019 Jeff Johnson
2018 Cheryl Kessler
2017 Lucinda & Frank Harton
2016 Beckham Thomas
2015 Art Schram
2014 Scott Campbell
2023 Steve Stewart
2022 Chuck Callahan
2021 Matt Attl & Rob Evans
2019 Brian Holmes
2018 Thor Eakes
2017 Jacob Barrena
2016 Bill Arzt
2015 Mike Chiodo
2014 Scott Palka