Well represented at Tour of Champions; Video and Pictures

A woman riding a bike down a sandy road

Howard's Team was well represented at the 2014 Tour of Champions weekend in Borrego Springs on June 7th and 8th.  The Tour of Champions is an honor for those raising over $10,000 in the Bike MS Tour.

I'm pleased to share that Howard's Team was well represented. Howard's Team Tour of Champions Honorees included: Glenn Arnold, Wayne Hickey, Mark Neilson, Jamie Sutherland, Tim Salmon, Alexi Varanko, and Jim Heaton.

Congratulations to all of our teammates reaching this milestone.

Check out the video and pictures below.

Tour of Champions Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osKOga949DQ&list=UUCPU8LFbsLYdRpaSXkw1tHA

Tour of Champions Pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/howardsteam/sets/72157644785923458/