Entries by Magdi Cook

Sign-up for Redlands Ride & Pizza Party on September 21st

Register to join us for our next team ride and BBQ of the season on September 21st in Redlands by clicking here:http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e86vgo7r9ae5c3a6 If you don't feel like riding, you can just attend the pizza party.  Also, families are welcome, so bring the kids.… Read More

Howard’s Team honors Jim McCabe with Memorial Ride

Howard's Team members honored the memory of team member Jim McCabe with a tribute ride.  The day included a bike ride, tribute fly-over by planes previously piloted by Jim McCabe, and home made pizza from the Moore family.  Take 5-minutes and watch the inspiring video and checkout the pictures.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8QGjqHyJNE&feature=c4-overview&list=UUCPU8LFbsLYdRpaSXkw1tHAhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/howardsteam/sets/72157634670747117/

Sign-up for Costa Mesa Ride & BBQ on June 23rd

Register to join us for our next team ride and BBQ of the season on June 23rd in Costa Mesa by clicking here:http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=gporsuhab&oeidk=a07e7n5nxrbd8f34244If you don't feel like riding, you can just attend the BBQ.  Also, families are welcome, so bring the kids.  As always, it’s a great way to meet and reacquaint yourself with other Howard’s Team members.… Read More

Sign-up for Escondido Ride & BBQ on May 19th

Register to join us for our first team ride and BBQ of the season on May 19th in Escondido by clicking here:http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=gporsuhab&oeidk=a07e7g35vc354001f58If you don't feel like riding, you can just attend the BBQ.  Also, families are welcome, so bring the kids.  As always, it’s a great way to meet and reacquaint yourself with other Howard’s Team members.… Read More

Howard’s Team – Save these dates, 2013 Team Events Calendar

Here’s our official team ride and events schedule for the season.  Save these to your calendar today:

Walk MS Carlsbad: April 21st

Escondido Ride & BBQ: May 19th

Costa Mesa Ride & BBQ: June 23rd

Claremont Ride & BBQ: July 13th

San Diego Ride & BBQ: August 17th

Redlands Ride & BBQ: September 21st

Bike MS Bay to Bay Tour: October 19 and 20th