Entries by Magdi Cook

Howard’s Team – Introducing MS Champion Martin Creyer

Martin Creyer joined Howard's Team in 2022 through a mutual friend of Jay McCabe.  Going all in for Howard's Team, Martin attended the 2022 Season Kickoff Ride and rode his longest ride.  Watch video below.https://youtu.be/Afqbli7QUc0Martin stays fit by riding his bike and rowing.… Read More

Howard’s Team – Introducing MS Champion Rob Lee

Rob Lee joined Howard’s Team in 2022. Rob heard about Howard’s Team through his neighbor Howard Powell. Rob lives in San Diego and enjoys spending time with family and playing golf.

Rob attended our 2022 Season Kickoff Ride Social and had the opportunity to hit the golf links with several Howard’s Team members.… Read More

Howard’s Team – Introducing MS Champion Karen Matingou

Karen Matingou joins Howard's Team as our newest MS Champion.  Karen signed up for her first Bike MS two weeks after her official diagnosis in January 2018. She will never forget that it was Jay McCabe from Howard’s Team who rode by her side as she climbed Torrey Pines for the first time shortly thereafter.… Read More

Howard’s Team – Kristyn Evans joins the MS Society as an Event Specialist

Kristyn Evans, MS Rock, and wife of our MS Champion, Rob Evans, has accepted a position with the MS Society Pacific South Coast Chapter as an Event Specialist.  This means she will be working to support all the MS events.  So while Kristyn won't be able to ride with Howard's Team during the Bike MS Bay to Bay Tour, she will be making a greater contribution to the MS Society.… Read More

Howard’s Team – Introducing MS Champion Alex Patten

Alex Patten joined Howard’s Team as our newest MS Champion.  Tim Salmon introduced Alex to Howard’s Team after Alex saw Tim’s story on TV.  Alex looked Tim up on LinkedIn, and quickly connected.  From there Tim had the opportunity to share his MS journey and the story of Howard’s Team with Alex.… Read More

Howard’s Team – Develops 24-Month Team Vision

Howard’s Team held their strategy session today, during which they outlined their 24-month vision.  Check this out!

Howard’s Team 24-month vision.

Grow to over 100 engaged members, raise $300k/year, become a national team, and double the number of MS champions to 12.… Read More