Howard’s Team – Develops 24-Month Team Vision

A group of people posing for a picture

Howard’s Team held their strategy session today, during which they outlined their 24-month vision.  Check this out!

Howard’s Team 24-month vision.

  • Grow to over 100 engaged members, raise $300k/year, become a national team, and double the number of MS champions to 12.
  • Engage members in various ways beyond the bike by empowering new leaders
  • Educate all team members regarding fundraising purpose, the disease, and progress of creating a world free of MS.
  • Align with local high schools, colleges, and corporate partners to provide additional resources that benefit the team and grow membership. 

To make this vision a reality, we developed functional teams in three areas.

Events – Lucinda, Leah, and Devin
Engagement – Thor, Mark, Matt, Rob, and Tim
Marketing – Lori and Scott

The future is very bright for Howard’s Team!