Bob & Jay’s Top 30 List from the 2015 Bike MS Tour Weekend

A group of people standing next to each other

Bob & Jay's Top 30 List from the 2015 Bike MS Tour Weekend

30. Lucinda helping me find my wallet/phone after misplacing it 5 minutes after I arrived at the Friday night hotel after riding 90 miles from San Diego.

29. Friday night drinks and dinner with Howard’s Team and other Bike MS Tour riders.

28. 7:15 start time, resulting in a more relaxed start line atmosphere, team picture, and pre-ride tattoos.

27. Having new members join Howard’s Team who know Howard first hand (Ric & Vickie Ladt).

26. Mike Wolff riding 5x his longest ride ever on Saturday and raising over $10,000 (55 miles on a mountain bike is a big deal.)

25. Devan and Doug showing “ride marshal” leadership, especially when Devan told us to ride single file with a stern voice.

24. Day 1 finish line beers and camaraderie

23. The Awards Dinner – Video highlights, pictures from the day, family atmosphere, jersey winners and tight presentation made it our best yet.

22. Rich Israel speaking at the awards dinner

21. Watching our 3 Year Vision Painted Picture – Believe and realizing all that we’ve accomplished, and what we have yet to accomplish…Ride to Kentucky!

20. Howard’s Team World Free of MS bike head caps for BBQ hosts.

19. Jim Ponder awarding Tim Salmon the Top Fundraiser Jersey (Green Jersey) and Tim wearing it proudly on Sunday.

18. Suzy’s kids having a strong ride and Mike Chiodo winning the Compassionate Scotts Jersey.

17. Art keeping the streak alive by riding the full 150 miles for the Bike MS Tour for the 8th year and winning the Crazy Scotts Jersey. (Note: His bike comes out of the box once a year for this ride…I know, crazy, right?)

16. Kristyn Evans serving as an inspiration to all riders and winning the Rookie of the Year Award (White Jersey).

15. Awarding Shawna Moore a Game Changer Award for her managing the team’s “Official” Membership Program, which raises over $2K to support our team.

14. Suzy Chiodo’s, Alexi Varanko’s, Breea Renee’s (via video message) and Tim Salmon’s presentations at the awards dinner.

13. While watching the 2015 Highlight Video during the dinner: Bob thanking Hurricane “Whatever Your Name is” for rain during the Claremont Ride, Oregon ride video with Andy and son crossing the finish line, Scott Palka’s it’s a “Grape” Day for a 5K, and the audience cheering for Kris for the Grape Day 5K win

12. The success of the Virtual Ride and having Greg Elias and Peter O’Sullivan honored as our Most Courageous Riders (Polka Dot Jersey) for their leadership.

11. Alexi Varanko honored as our Howard Gray Most Inspirational Rider (Rainbow Jersey) and wearing his Howard’s Team kilt. We expect this will be a trend next year!

10. Candlelight ceremony being read by Jay.

9. The Holdens winning the Yellow Jersey and giving it to Rob Evans, MS Champion, to lead the team across the finish line on Sunday.

8. Moore family helping with coordination, photography and transportation.

7. Kris running 18 miles along the ride route while being cheered along by and cheering for Howard’s Team riders.

6. The original Scotts wearing their Scotts’ jerseys on Sunday.

5. Bob fashioning the soon to be popular Flip Flop bike cleats

4. Alexandr Varanko, Boy Scout, riding the last mile in his HT jersey with his Dad

3. Team Finish – Gives me goose bumps every time to see the solidarity and commitment of the ‘team’ represented in finishing together.

2. Howard's Team on track to raise over $165,000 again.

1. Riding for all of our Howard's Team MS Champions and everyone impacted by MS.